The Hard Way (After M. Rodgers) 4

Stepmother (After J. Greenwood) 6

A Note About Witches (After R. Dahl) 8

The School-Teacher (After A. Croniri) 10

An Explosion at Night (After A. Croniri) 12

Adventure (After J. P. Priestley) 14

Under the Deck Awnings. Part I (After J. London) 16

Under the Deck Awnings. Part II (After J. London) 18

How We Kept Mother"s Day (After S. LeacocK) 20

Looking Back on Eighty Years (After S. Maugham) 21

The Cop and the Anthem (After O. Henry) 22

The Problem of Thor Bridge (After A. Conan Doyle) - 24

A Sound of Thunder (After R. Bradbury)- 26

A Name on the Wall (After S. Marmorsteiri) 28

The Model Millionaire (After O. Wilde) 30


The English Language

English today 32

Hot Issues

Life in the 21st century 34

Computer revolution 36

Will we live in space? -38

Our planet Earth 40

Can we live longer? 42

Mass Media

Mass media 44

TV or not TV? 46

Newspapers 48

The British press 50

About Myself

My family 52

My flat 54

My working day 56

My friend 58

My school 60

How I went shopping 62

My plans for the future ; 64

My meals 66

At the doctor"s 68

Hobbies and Pastimes

Hobbies 70

My friend"s hobby 72

Travelling 74

My last summer holidays 76

My favourite season 78

Countries and Cities

Great Britain 80

Climate and weather in Great Britain 82

London 84

The USA 87

Washington, DC 90

The Russian Federation - 92

Moscow 95

St Petersburg 98

Literature and Arts

Libraries 100

Anton Chekhov 105

Agatha Christie 107

Ernest Hemingway 109

My favourite book - 111

Tretyakov Gallery 113

Valentin Serov 115

Isaac Levitan 117

Mozart 119

My favourite singer 121

The birth of the "seventh art" 123

David Duchovny 126

Science and Scientists

Albert Einstein 128

Andrei Sakharov 130

Will we live to see the first cloned human? 132


Olympic Games 134

Sports in Great Britain: 136

Sports in Russia 138

Customs and Traditions

Holidays in Great Britain 140

Holidays in Russia 142


The English Language

The future of English 145

Some facts about English 146

Hot Issues

What will our life be like? 147

Chips are changing the world 147

What does the future hold? 148

Why are we so excited about the Internet? 148

We may have no choice 149

Arthur Clarke predicts 150

The Earth is our home 150

What shall we do with our packed planet? 152

"Smog" was invented in Britain 152

Do we live to eat? 153

There is a danger hanging over your life 154

Game of chance 154

Mass Media

What is news? 155

American press 155

Newspaper wars 156

Hooked on the Net 156

What kind of viewer are you? 157

Hobbies and Pastimes

What is a hobby? 158

Video games 158

The future of travelling 159

Countries and Cities

Scotland: the land of lochs and legends 160

What does the Queen do? 161

The new face of London 161

The Tower of London 162

St Paul"s Cathedral 163

London"s East End 164

Madam Tussaud"s 164

The White House 165

New York 166

The Statue of Liberty 168

From the history of New York 168

Australia 169

Canada 170

Some facts about Moscow 171

Literature and Arts

The future of the book - if it has a future 172

On books and reading 172

The Globe Theatre -173

Robert Burns 174

Mark Twain 174

Michelangelo 175

William Hogarth 176

Abstract art 176

Pablo Picasso 177

Beethoven - 178

Theatre and cinema in Britain 179

Steven Spielberg: movie wizard 180

Leonardo DiCaprio 180

Science and Scientists

Great inventions 182

The gene revolution 183

Miniature revolution 183


In-line roller-skating 184

Snowboarding 184

Surfs up! 185

Sport and competition in Britain 186

Baseball 187

Customs and Traditions

Traditions and customs in Britain 188

Time for tea 188

British character 189

Halloween 190

April Fool"s Day 190

Holidays in the USA 191

Happy birthday, America 193

Columbus Day 194


Английский язык для школьников

и поступающих в ВУЗы


То пики

Тексты для чтения

Экзаменационные вопросы

Цветкова И. В.

Клепальченко И. А.

Мыл ьцева Н. А.



для школьников и



Цветкова И. В., Клепальчецко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.



доктор филологических наук, профессор МГУ В.П. Конецкая;

доктор филологических наук, профессор МПУ С.В. Гринев;

доктор филологических наук, профессор ИПК и ПРНО МО В.В. Ощепкова

Цветкова Ирина Всеволодовна, доцент, кандидат филологических наук

Клепальченко Игорь Алексеевич, доцент, кандидат филологических наук

Мыльцева Нина Александровна, доцент, кандидат филологических наук


Устный экзамен

Издание пятое

Данное пособие адресовано абитуриентам, поступающим на гуманитарные факультеты высших

учебных заведений. В пособии представлены материалы, необходимые для сдачи устного экзамена по

английскому языку: тексты для чтения, перевода и пересказа; тексты-темы (топики) и тексты

страноведческого характера для дополнительного чтения. Пособие может быть также использовано

учащимися старших классов при подготовке к выпускным экзаменам.

Редактор Л. Кудрявцева

Компьютерная верстка М. Королева, О. Дорина

™ 4602010000-001 , . Ж 179030-95 Безобъявл.


МОСКВА, 2003

Уважаемые читатели!

Пособие, которое вы держите в руках, в первую очередь адресовано тем, кто решил поступать на факультет иностранных языков и готовится к предстоящим экзаменам. Впрочем, и тем, кто поступает в неязыковые вузы, но должен будет сдавать экзамен по английскому языку, оно, как мы надеемся, тоже пригодится. Это пособие может оказаться полезным и для учащихся школ, гимназий и лицеев, для студентов колледжей и университетов при подготовке к сессии, зачетам или к устным беседам и выступлениям.

Устный экзамен по английскому языку состоит, как правило, из следующих заданий:

2. Пересказать текст и/или ответить на вопросы экзаменатора по его содержанию.

3. Побеседовать с экзаменатором на одну из предложенных им тем.

В данном пособии вы найдете образцы экзаменационных текстов, тексты-темы (топики), которые помогут вам вести беседу с экзаменатором, тексты страноведческого характера для дополнительного чтения, вопросы, которые вам могут задать на экзамене.

В пособие включены как традиционные темы ("My Family", "My School", "My Working Day", "My Summer Holidays", "Great Britain", "London", "Moscow" и т.д.), так и темы, которые стали появляться в экзаменационных билетах относительно недавно ("Mass Media", "Life in the 21st Century", "Will We Live in Space?", "Can We Live Longer?", "Computer Revolution", "Our Planet Earth" и др.).

Возможно, какие-то топики подойдут вам полностью, какие-то частично, но любой из них может служить основой для составления собственного рассказа. Мы надеемся, что вы не будете заучивать топики наизусть, а используете свое воображение и фантазию и сочините что-нибудь сами.

Желаем удачи!


They were about to start Christmas lunch. The family were all sitting expectantly round the table: Dad, Mum, Ron and Jennie - and Jan.

Everybody was talking at once. Dad was waiting, a bit impatiently, to say what he said every year as he cut the first slice of turkey.

Jan didn"t feel like talking. She was thinking of Davey, and didn"t really pay any attention to the other people at the table.

When she saw the table - the huge brown turkey in front of her father, the dishes of potatoes and vegetables - she thought of Davey"s words the night before. "We"re killing ourselves with too much food and three quarters of the world are starving to death..."

"A bit of turkey, Jan?"

Jan hesitated, then took a deep breath and said, "No turkey for me, thank you."

Silence. The other members of the family stared at her.

"It"s horrible," said Jan, trembling a little." - We"re eating like pigs and they"re starving -"

"Who"s starving?" Dad asked, looking puzzled.

"Oh, everybody - the rest of the world -you know, you see enough of it on TV!"

Mr Morris stood still in front of the turkey. He was trying to keep control of himself. "So you think we"re all a lot of pigs, do you? And where did you get that idea from?"

"Oh, Davey said, did he? That longhaired layabout? Well, shall I tell you what you can do?"

"Jim!" Jan"s mother put her hand on his arm, but he shook her off. He was in a terrible rage.

"Shall I tell you what you can do?" he went on.

"You can get out of here and spend the rest of your Christmas with your Davey."

Jan knew her father didn"t like Davey, but she hadn"t expected this rage.

"You"re wrong, Dad," she said. "Davey doesn"t deserve that sort of criticism."

The rest of the family didn"t say a word as Jan left the room, crying.

There was nobody else around in the streets at three o"clock that after noon. It was Christmas Day, after all. Most people were inside watching TV, or eating.

She was walking towards Davey"s house. Her father had told her to go and spend the rest of Christmas with him, and that was what she was going to do.

She was lucky: Davey was in.

"Hi, Jan! Fancy seeing you here! I thought you were spending Christmas in the heart of the family, eating Christmas pudding and all that stuff."

"Well, I was, but ... can I come in, Davey?"

There was a slight pause before he said. "Sure. I"ve got a few people here, but one more won"t make any difference."

It was pretty dark in the room. There was one candle, burning in a saucer on a shelf in one corner of the room. Jan couldn"t see how many people there were, but she guessed about seven or eight; they were all sitting, or lying on the floor. Indian music was coming from somewhere.

There was a smell, too: of damp, and old cooking, and something Jan didn"t recognize - incense perhaps?

Jan sat down. She was feeling tired and, she had to admit, hungry. She wondered if Davey had, after all, any food.

Nobody was talking. The music droned on. The air got thicker and thicker, and the strange smell got stronger and stronger.

"Want one, Jan?"

Davey was standing over her. The candle had got so low she could hardly see what he was offering her.

It was like a long cigarette. Everybody else seemed to be holding one.

"Come on, Jan, you know."

Yes, she knew. So that was the smell: pot. She felt sick. The room spun in front of her eyes. She felt herself sweating.

The candle seemed to grow six feet tall. She struggled to her feet.

"Hey, kid. What"s up?"

Davey grabbed her arm, and looked accusingly at her.

"Where are you going?"

Jan pulled her arm away from him. "I don"t know - I - I need some air, that"s all. Let me go, Davey."

He was smiling but it was a hard smile. "OK," he said. "Suit yourself. You must be nuts, or something. We were just about to have some food, too."

But Jan didn"t hear him. She was already at the door, leaving a Christmas gathering for the second time that day.

(After M. Rodgers)

1 to starve to death умирать от голода

2 layabout бездельник

3 incense ["inserts] ладан, фимиам

4 pot разг. марихуана

5 nuts слэнг псих, чокнутый


Iwas born at Number Nineteen, Tummill Street, London. My mother died when I was five years old. She died fifteen minutes after my sister Polly was born.

As my father worked from morning till night, he had no time to look after Polly and me, so he married again soon.

He married Mrs Burke, who was much younger and more good-looking than my mother.

But I did not like my stepmother and she did not like me. So we began to hate each other; but she did not show her hatred when my father was at home.

She beat me very often and she made me work very hard. From morning till night she found work for me to do. I looked after the baby. When she was awake, I took her for a walk, carrying her in my arms, and she was very heavy. I cleaned the rooms, went shopping, etc. There was always work for me to do.

One day a woman came to see my stepmother and they drank a lot of gin. All the money that my father had left for our dinner was spent. When the woman went home, my stepmother said to me in tears, "Oh, what shall I do, Jimmy, dear, what shall I do? Your father will come home soon, and mere"s no dinner for him. He will beat me cruelly!

What shall I do, what shall I do?"

I was sorry for her, she had tears in her eyes, and she called me "Jimmy, dear" for the first time. I asked her if I could help her and she said at once, "Oh, yes, you can help me! When your father comes home in the evening,

Jimmy, dear, tell him that you lost the money he left for our dinner."

"How could I lose it?" I asked in surprise.

"You can tell him that I sent you to buy some food.

Suddenly a big boy ran against you and the money fell out of your hand and you could not find it. That will be very easy to say, Jimmy, dear, please, say it to у our father!"

"But he"ll give me a good beating1 for it!" "Oh, no, he won"t! I shall not let him beat you, you may be sure! Here is a penny for you, go and buy some sweets with it!"

So I went off and spent my penny on sweets.

When I came back and opened the door, my father was at home waiting for me with his waist-belt in his hand. I wanted to run out of the room, but he caught me by the ear.

"Stop a minute, young man!" he said.

"What have you done with the money?"

"I lost it, Father," said I in fear and looked at my stepmother.

"Oh, you lost it! Where did you lose it?"

"In the street, Father. Ask Mrs Burke, she knows!"

I told him what my stepmother had asked me to tell him. I was not much surprised that he did not believe my story.

But my stepmother"s words surprised me very much.

"Yes, he told me the same thing," she said, "but he is a liar! He has spent your money on sweets. I can"t beat him, he is your child, but you can give him a good beating!"

And she stood by while my father beat me with his belt till the blood showed. I hated my stepmother so much now that I wanted to see her dead.

(After J. Greenwood)

1 to give a good beating выпороть, устроить хорошую взбучку


In fairy-tales, witches always wear silly black hats and black cloaks, and they ride on broomsticks.

But this is not a fairy-tale. This is about REAL WITCHES.

The most important thing you should know about REAL WITCHES is this.

Listen very carefully. Never forget what is coming next.

REAL WITCHES dress in ordinary clothes and look very much like ordinary women. They live in ordinary houses and they work in ORDINARY JOBS.

That is why they are so hard to catch.

Luckily, there are not a great number of REAL WITCHES in the world today. But there are still quite enough to make you nervous. In England, there are probably about one hundred of them altogether.

Some countries have more, others have not quite so many. No country in the world is completely free from WITCHES.

A witch is always a woman.

I do not wish to speak badly about women. Most women are lovely. But the fact remains that all witches are women. There is no such thing as a male witch.

As far as children are concerned, a REAL WITCH is the most dangerous of all the living creatures on the earth. What makes her doubly dangerous is the fact that she doesn"t look dangerous.

Even when you know all the secrets (you will hear about those in a minute), you can still never be quite sure whether it is a witch you are looking at or just a kind lady.

For all you know, a witch might be living next door to you right now.

Or she might be the woman with the bright eyes who sat opposite you on the bus this morning.

She might be the lady with the dazzling smile who offered you a sweet from a white paper bag in the street before lunch.

She might even - and this will make you jump - she might even be your lovely school-teacher who is reading these words to you at this very moment.

Look carefully at that teacher. Perhaps she is smiling at the absurdity of such a suggestion. Don"t let that put you off. It could be part of her cleverness.

I am not, of course, telling you for one second that your teacher actually is a witch. All I am saying is that she might be one. It is most unlikely. But - and here comes the big "but" - it is not impossible.

Oh, if only there were a way of telling for sure whether a woman was a witch or not, we could round them all upand put them in the meat-grinder.

Unhappily, there is no such way. But there are a number of little signals you can look out for, little quirky habits that all witches have in common, and if you know about these, if you remember them always, then you might just possibly manage to escape danger.

1 they are so hard to catch их так трудно поймать

2 the fact remains факт остается фактом

3 As far as children are concerned Что касается детей

4 For all you know, a witch might be living next door to you Как знать, возможно, ведьма живет с

вами по соседству

5 Don"t let that put you off Это не должно сбить вас с толку

6 Oh, if only there were a way... Ax, если бы существовал способ...

7 to round up согнать в одно место, произвести облаву

8 meat-grinder ["mi:t,grainda] мясорубка

9 that all witches have in common зд. свойственные всем ведьмам


Three months passed. Little by little Andrew got used to this strange town, surrounded by the mountains, and to the people most of whom worked in the mines. The town was full of mines, factories, churches and small dirty old houses. There was no theatre, not even a cinema the workers could go to after work. But Andrew liked the people. They spoke little and worked much. They liked football, and what was more interesting, they were fond of music, good classical music. He often heard the sound of a piano, coming from this or that house.

It was clear to Andrew now, that Doctor Page would never see a patient again. Manson did all the work, and Mrs Page received all the money. She paid out to Manson less than one sixth of that - twenty pounds and sixteen shillings a month. Almost all of it Andrew sent to the University to pay his debt.

But at that time the question of money was not important to him. He had a few shillings in his pocket to buy cigarettes and he had his work, and that was more than enough for him.

He had to work hard and to think much for he saw now that the professors at his University had given him very little to know about practical medicine.

He thought about all that walking in the direction of Riskin Street. There in Number 3 he found a small boy of nine years of age ill with measles. "I am sorry, Mrs Howells," Andrew said to the boy"s mother. "But you must keep Idris home from school." (Idris was Mrs Howells" other son.)

"But Miss Barlow says he may come to school."

"Oh? Who is Miss Barlow?"

"She is the teacher."

"Miss Barlow has no right to let him come to school when his brother has measles," Andrew said angrily.

Five minutes later he entered a classroom of the school. A very young woman of about twenty or twenty-two was writing something on the blackboard.

She turned to him.

"Are you Miss Barlow?"

"Yes." Her large brown eyes were looking at him friendly.

"Are you Doctor Page"s new assistant?"

Andrew reddened suddenly.

"Yes," he said, "I"m Doctor Manson. You know Idris" brother has measles and so Idris must not be here."

"Yes, I know, but the family is so poor and Mrs Howells is so busy. If Idris stays at home, he won"t get his cup of milk.

And, Doctor Manson, most of the children here have had measles already."

"And what about the others? You must send that boy home at once."

"Well, Doctor," she interrupted him suddenly. "Don"t you understand that I"m the teacher of this class and here it"s my word that counts?"

"You can"t have him here, Miss Barlow. If you don"t send him home at once, I"ll have to report you."

"Then report me, or have me arrested if you like." She quickly turned to the class. "Stand up, children, and say: "Good-bye, Doctor Manson. Thank you for coming." "

Before Andrew could say a word the door closed quietly in his face.

(After A. Cronin)

1 mine шахта

2 ill with measles ["mi:zlz] больной корью

3 Howells ["haualz]

4 Idris ["aidris]

5 keep from school не пускать в школу

6 Barlow ["ba:leu]

7 here it"s my word that counts зд. здесь я хозяйка

8 I"ll have to report you. Мне придется заявить на вас в полицию.

9 have me arrested пусть меня арестуют

10 in his face зд. у него перед носом


All that month Andrew worked from early morning till late at night. He loved his work. His patients were already almost well. The results of his work were even better than those of Denny"s. The epidemic was coming to an end.

On the tenth of November Denny suddenly rang him up.

"Manson! I"d like to see you. Can you come to my place at three o"clock? It"s important."

"Very well. I"ll be there!"

On the way to Denny"s house he saw Doctor Bramwell.

"Ah, Manson, my boy! I"m so glad to see you."

Andrew smiled. Doctor Bramwell, unlike Lewis, had been friendly towards Manson all that month. "Of course, we have all heard of your work with the typhoid cases, and we are proud of you, my dear boy. You must come to see us one evening."

Andrew promised to come.

When Andrew entered Denny"s room, he saw immediately that something was wrong with Denny. He was very sad.

After a moment he looked up.

"One of my patients, a boy, died this morning," he said coldly. "And besides, I have two new typhoid cases. What shall we do?"

Andrew stood at the door, hardly knowing what to say.

"We have to do something about it," he began. "We must write to the Ministry of Health."

"We could write a dozen letters but it won"t help much, I tell you. No! There"s only one way to make them build a new sewer."

"Blow up the old one. And let"s do it tonight!"

"But there will be a lot of trouble if it becomes known."

Denny looked up angrily.

"You needn"t take part in it if you don"t want to."

"I"ll go with you," Andrew answered.

He understood it was a crime, a dangerous game with the police. They might even strike him off at the very beginning of his beautiful career. Yet, he himself did not know why he could not refuse.

At eleven o"clock that night Denny and he started in the direction of Glydar Street. It was very dark. There was nobody in the street. The town was sleeping.

The two men moved quietly. In the pocket of his coat Denny had six small boxes of dynamite; each box had a hole in it, and a fuse." There was an electric torch in Andrew"s hand.

Soon they reached the first manhole of the sewer in Glydar Street. Andrew"s heart was beating fast. It was very difficult for them to open the cover, but after a short struggle it was done. Andrew took the electric torch out of his pocket. They saw a dirty stream running on the broken stone floor.

"Nice, isn"t it?" Denny whispered.

"Take a look at the terrible holes in the floor. Take a last look, Manson. People are dying because of this, but the Council doesn"t want to do anything."

No more was said. Andrew"s hands trembled, but he worked quickly. They set fire to the fuses, then threw the boxes into the dirty stream, put the manhole cover back in its place and ran into the darkness.

They heard an explosion, two, three, four, five and the last.

"By God!" Andrew shouted. "We have done it, Denny."

He felt it was the best moment in his life. He almost loved the other man now.

They saw people running out of their houses and started walking home by the back ways.

(After A. Cronin)

1 explosion взрыв

2 epidemic [,epi"demik] эпидемия

3 unlike Lewis не в пример Льюису

4 typhoid ftaifoid] брюшной тиф

5 Ministry of Health Министерство здравоохранения

6 sewer ["sju:a] канализационная труба

7 Blow up the old one. Взорвать старую.

8 strike him off лишить звания врача

9 Glydar Street ["glaida stn:t]

10 dynamite fdamamait] динамит

11 fuse бикфордов шнур, фитиль

12 manhole ["maenhaul] люк

13 Council ["kaunsl] муниципальный совет

14 set fire to поджечь

15 by the back ways окольными путями


It was a fine night when Hubert climbed the steps of a bus. He was returning from the Tumbersomes, pleasant but dull people who were friends of his family. They had given him a fairly good dinner but they had left him dissatisfied.

From the top of his bus which carried him along brilliantly-lighted but now deserted streets, Hubert sighed for adventure.

There is something theatrical about these streets when the hour is approaching midnight.

They suggest that at any moment the most unusual drama might begin. Hubert, a reader of fiction, a playgoer, a lover of film shows, always hoped that something mysterious, romantic would happen to him. But somehow it never did.

In a few minutes, he would leave the bus, walk down one street and arrive at the little flat in which he lived with his friend, John Langton. They would make some tea, talk for about half-hour, and then go to bed. The evening would be over, finished, and the next morning he would go to the office.

Meanwhile time was flying. Hubert was twentythree, and it seemed to him that he was nearly middle-aged.

He looked around at the other passengers on the bus. It was difficult to see their faces, but they were dull, as usual.

No men with scars stared at him, no beautiful girls with tears in their eyes asked for help. Then he saw a golden light which came from the coffee-stall at the corner.

From fiction Herbert knew that there was something romantic about coffee-stalls. He decided to leave the bus at the corner.

He went to the coffee-stall and ordered a cup of coffee and a piece of cake.

There were only two or three men there. Hubert tried the coffee and found that it was hotter and more tasteless than ever. What a life!

But at that moment a taxi came and stopped at the stall. The door opened and a man almost fell out of it. He came zigzagging over the stall and passing Hubert he pushed him so that his coffee and cake went flying.

"Sorry, old man," said the newcomer. "Very, very sorry. What was it?"

"It doesn"t matter,"

Hubert told him. "I really didn"t want that coffee."

The man looked at him, laughing, "Then why order it, why pay for it, if you don"t want it?"

Hubert smiled and said, "Oh, I just stopped here - on my way home, you know -just for something to do."

"Too early to go home, eh?"

"Well, you know how you feel sometimes," said Hubert. The man patted Hubert on the shoulder.

"I do. I feel like it all the time. Now I"ll tell you what. You come with me, old man. I am just going to a little club. You come with me. I"ll show you something."

Hubert hesitated. The man was obviously drunk, and a visit to some night club in his company was not very attractive.

"Well, I don"t know..." he began.

"The only thing is," said the man seriously, coming nearer, "can you keep a secret? That"s important. If not, I can"t invite you."

This decided Hubert. There was a real adventure! So.he thanked the man, and agreed to accompany him.

They got into the waiting taxi. In another minute they were moving along some dark and deserted street.

(AfterJ. B.Priestley)

1 Hubert ["hju:bat]

2 Tumbersome [ЧлтЬэзэт]

3 But somehow it never did. Но это как-то никогда не случалось.

4 meanwhile f"mi:nwail] между тем

5 coffee-stall ["kofisto:!] кафе

6 went flying полетели (на поп)

7 I"ll tell you what знаете что; послушайте меня

8 This decided Hubert. Это заставило Хьюберта решиться.


Part I

"Can a man - I mean, a gentleman - call a woman a pig?"

The little man spoke to the whole group. Nobody answered.

The little man looked at each of the men in turn and spoke to one of them.

"I ask you, Mr Treloar, can any man call any woman a pig?"

Treloar, who was sitting next to him, did not answer at once.

"I think," he began slowly, "that it - it depends on the lady."

The little man looked angrily at him: "You mean ..."

"Yes, I mean that I have met a woman who was worse than a pig. If you wish, I shall tell you the story and then ask you what you think of her.

"Miss Caruthers shall » call her (though that is not her real name). It was on a boat sailing the Southern seas and it happened a few years ago. Her father was a high official whose name you all know very well, and that is the reason why I don"t mention it.

"Miss Caruthers was charming. No, that is not the word. She was wonderful.

She was a beautiful young woman, and a lady.

She was with her mother and two maids at that time. They were going East to join her father there.

"She - excuse me for repeating it - was wonderful. There was nothing she could not do better than any woman and - most of the men. She could sing, play, dance, swim! Nobody could compete with her.

"But her swimming! She was very beautiful, as I have told you, small and thin. But she also had strength. She could stay under water for two minutes. No man on board, except Dennitson, could get as many coins with one dive. On the deck there was a big tank filled with six-feet sea water. We used to throw small coins into it. She would dive from the bridge - this was not an easy thing to do - and fetch up not less than forty-seven coins from the bottom of the tank.

"She was a sea-woman, really. But she was a landwoman too. She could ride, she could play tennis, she could do anything. She was a wonder. And she was clever, witty, charming.

All the men were in love with her. I myself was in love with her. She was always surrounded by men, young and old, who were ready to do everything she wished.

"She ran the ship, she ran the voyage, she ran everything, and she ran Dennitson. He was in love with her like all of us. But she liked him better than the others, and that feeling was growing.

What would have happened we shall never know, because we came to Colombo" and something else happened.

"You k"now Colombo, and how the native boys" dive for coins in the bay full of sharks. Of course they risk to do it only with the smaller and less dangerous sharks. It is really surprising how they know sharks and can feel the presence of a real killer - a tiger shark, for instance.

Whenever such a shark appears, all the boys get hurriedly out of the water.

"It was after lunch, and Miss Caruthers was as usual surrounded by her admirers. Old Captain Bentley had just been whistled up " and had given her permission (he had never allowed this before ... nor since14 for the boys to come up on deck. You see, Miss Caruthers was a swimmer, and she was interested. She took all our small coins and herself threw them into the water. She gave extra rewards to the best swimmers, in short, she ran the whole show.

(After J. London)

1 Under the Deck Awnings ["o:niijz] "Под палубным тентом"

2 Treloar

3 Caruthers [кэ"глЭэг]

4 on a boat sailing the Southern ["злЭэп] seas на пароходе, который плыл по южным морям

5 that is the reason why I don"t mention it поэтому-то я и не называю его имени

6 a big tank filled with six-feet sea water большой бассейн глубиной в шесть футов, наполненный морской водой

7 used to throw имели обыкновение бросать

8 would dive обычно ныряла

9 She ran the ship, she ran the voyage Она управляла кораблем, она командовала путешествием

10 What would have happened Чем бы все это кончилось

11 Colombo Коломбо

12 native boys мальчики-туземцы

13 had just been whistled up его только что подозвали (свисткам - намек на то, что Мисс Карутерс стоило только свистнуть, чтобы он явился)

14 he had never allowed this before... nor since он никогда этого не разрешал ни до... ни после этого случая

Исполнитель Робот

Среда программирования КуМир

Часто на уроках и в задании 20.1 требуется исполнителем «Робот» спускаться или подниматься по лестнице. Надо понимать, что спуск или подъем по лестнице осуществляется одним циклом. Как правило, чтобы проверить работоспособность алгоритма необходимо добавлять ступени на лестнице. Алгоритм должен выполнятся независимо от количества ступеней, например, как для двух ступеней, так и для двадцати.


На бесконечном поле имеется горизонтальная стена, бесконечно продолжается влево и заканчивается лестницей, которая спускается слева направо. Высота каждой ступени — две клетки, ширина — две клетки. Робот находится на горизонтальной стене для спуска по лестнице. На рисунке указан один из способов расположения лестницы и Робота(Робот обозначен символом ).

Напишите для Робота алгоритм, закрашивающий все клетки, расположенные на ступенях лестницы. Требуется закрасить только клетки, удовлетворяющие данному условию.

Например, для приведенного выше рисунка Робот должен закрасить клетки:

Конечное расположение Робота может быть произвольным. Алгоритм должен решать задачу для произвольного размера поля и любого количества ступеней. При исполнении алгоритма Робот не должен разрушиться.


Данную задачу будем решать в среде программирования КуМир. Откроем программу и перейдем в меню Робот — > Редактировать обстановку

Строим лестницу. тЛевой кнопкой мыши щелкаем по стенкам клетки. Ромб (робот) перемещаем в нужное место, зажав левую кнопку мыши

Выходим из режима редактирования меню Робот — > Редактировать обстановку. Далее напишем на первой строчке команду «использовать Робот».

Сначала вспомним некоторые команды для исполнителя Робот.

В задании сказано, что

Алгоритм должен решать задачу для произвольного размера поля и любого количества ступеней

Это означает, что Робот должен передвигаться с помощью цикла «Пока». Рассуждаем так: снизу под роботом стена, значит снизу не свободно. На 4 строчке редактора пишем команду

нц пока снизу не свободно.

Внутри цикла необходимо последовательно выполнить команды:

Вправо вниз закрасить вправо закрасить влево вниз закрасить вправо закрасить

Полностью готовая программа выглядит так:

Использовать Робот алг нач нц пока снизу не свободно вправо вниз закрасить вправо закрасить влево вниз закрасить вправо закрасить кц кон

Для проверки алгоритма добавим ещё несколько ступеней и проверим результат

Итак, алгоритм закрашивает клетки при любом количестве ступеней лестницы.

Этот сайт больше не обновляется. Сайт К. Полякова «Преподавание, наука и жизнь» переехал по адресу kpolyakov.spb.ru . Новый адрес страницы, к которой вы обратились: Пожалуйста, обновите свои закладки. Через 5 секунд вы будете перенаправлены на новый сайт автоматически.


Что это?

С этой страницы можно скачать полную версию системы Исполнители , методические материалы (см. страницу Методика), а также файл локализации для английского языка , который обеспечивает замену всех ключевых слов языка, интерфейсных элементов и сообщений системы на англоязычные. Обратите внимание, что при обновлении версии программы необходимо также обновлять и файл локализации.


8 октября 2014 г.
Размещена новая рабочая программа и контрольные работы по курсу «Алгоритмика» (34 часа). Автор — Л.А. Каюшкина, МБОУ СОШ №1, г. Ишимбай Республики Башкортостан.

7 октября 2013 г.
Размещена новая рабочая программа «Алгоритмика» для изучения исполнителей Робот, Чертёжник и Черепаха (ФГОС, 34 часа). Автор — Н.Е. Леко, СОШ №9, г. Тихвин.

3 декабря 2012 г.
Размещены новые разработки уроков по исполнителю Робот. Автор — С.В. Чайченков, МБОУ Грушевская СОШ Аксайского района Ростовской области.

4 сентября 2012 г.
Добавлена учебная программа для изучения исполнителей Робот, Чертёжник и Черепаха (34 часа). Автор — Н.Е. Леко, СОШ №9, г. Тихвин.

16 февраля 2012 г.
Добавлена методическая разработка задач для исполнителя Робот. Автор — Н. Хандрамай, руководитель — Е.А. Маслова, лицей №23, г. Кемерово.


Учебная среда Исполнители и методические разработки распространяются по принципу «Как есть» — «As Is» . Это означает, что вы используете их на свой страх и риск и автор не несет никакой ответственности за ущерб, причиненный вам лично и вашему компьютеру в результате использования полученных на этом сайте программ и методик.

  1. размещение материалов на других Web-сайтах;
  2. распространение неполных или измененных материалов;
  3. включение материалов в сборники на любых носителях информации, распространяемые на коммерческой основе;
  4. получение коммерческой выгоды от продажи или другого использования материалов.

Скачивание материалов означает, что вы приняли условия этого лицензионного соглашения.

Скачать материалы других авторов

Курс «Алгоритмика» (7 класс) : исполнители Робот, Чертёжник и Черепаха. Автор — Л.А. Каюшкина, МБОУ СОШ № 11, г. Ишимбая Республики Башкортостан (472 Кб)
Рабочая программа «Алгоритмика» (5 класс, ФГОС) : исполнители Робот, Чертёжник и Черепаха. Автор — Н.Е. Леко, СОШ № 9, г. Тихвин (220 Кб)
Разработки уроков по исполнителю Робот. Автор — С.В. Чайченков, МБОУ Грушевская СОШ Аксайского района Ростовской области. (2 454 Кб)
Учебная программа: исполнители Робот, Чертёжник и Черепаха. Автор — Н.Е. Леко, СОШ № 9, г. Тихвин (200 Кб)
Автор — Г.А. Гаврюкова, МОУ СОШ № 68, г. Рязань (архив ZIP, 3 380 Кб)Робот
PROGRAM/TURTLE подкаталог с примерами программ для исполнителя Черепаха
PROGRAM/KURS подкаталог с примерами программ для курса программирования, независимого от исполнителей
PROGRAM/FRACTALS подкаталог с примерами программ для построения фракталов

После распаковки архива программа находится в работоспособном состоянии и не требует никаких дополнительных установок.

Для умение писать программы для исполнителя Робот очень важно. Эти задания относятся к задачам с высоким уровнем сложности и позволяют заработать дополнительные 2 балла (при условии правильного решения). Изучением Робота мы и займемся.

Выпускник 9 класса должен иметь представление об алгоритмике, уметь написать . Для записи алгоритмов можно использовать языки программирования или формальные языки. Исполнитель Робот может выполнять алгоритмы, при этом делает это очень наглядно. Робот — это так называемый ГРафический Учебный Исполнитель (ГРИС) потому, что результаты его работы представлены в графическом виде.

Кто такой исполнитель Робот?

Представьте себе клетчатое поле (как лист из тетради в клеточку) на котором находится некий объект, который мы назовем Робот. Используя , мы можем этим Роботом управлять — перемещать его по клеткам, закрашивать клетки. И в большинстве случаев наша задача будет заключаться в том, чтобы написать такую программу для Робота, выполняя которую он будет закрашивать определенные клетки.

Исполнитель Робот входит в пакет КуМир (Комплект Учебных МИРов), который был разработан Научно-исследовательским институтом системных исследований Российской академии наук (НИИСИ РАН) как раз для обучения программированию в школе. Кроме Робота в системе КуМир есть и другие исполнители, но нас они пока не интересуют.

Скачать исполнитель Робот

Итак, для начала нам необходимо . Пусть вас не смущает то, что в названии указано 32-bit, программа отлично работает и в 64-разрядной Windows. Если же вы используете Linux, то можете версию для этой ОС.

Далее необходимо установить скачанную программу. Здесь, я надеюсь, у вас не возникнет сложностей, процесс стандартный и интуитивно понятный. Если вдруг что-то не получится — пишите в комментариях, обязательно помогу. Единственное — рекомендую при установке отказаться от ненужных пунктов (все, кроме Среда Кумир)

После успешной установки, на вашем рабочем столе появится ярлык для запуска программы

А после запуска программы мы должны увидеть окно программы

Исполнитель Робот — окно программы